Friday, December 14, 2012

Physical Copies--Do's and Don'ts

Hey all! We're pretty slammed with the winter posters, but we wanted to take a moment to talk about physical copies of artwork. We received a lot of copies of business cards, menus, brochures, and post cards in the mail for sponsor art, and noticed a few things that just keep coming up. Let's take a moment to touch on what to do--and not do--with physical copies.

  1. Please do NOT staple, tape, paper clip, or otherwise affix your art to anything. It may seem harmless enough, but it damages the copies and makes them difficult to work with.
  2. Please DO include more than one copy of your art. At least two, but four is a safer bet.
  3. Please do NOT draw on your art, unless you have included a clean copy with it as well. Art that has boxes, words, arrows, sharpie marks... it's damaged and likely cannot be used.
  4. Please DO include a copy of your sales receipt/invoice with your art. Sometimes it's not recognizable based on what we have in our notes.
  5. Please DO include a separate sheet if you are going to make notes. Or send us an email, or call! Just remember the first DON'T, never ever affix your art to anything else.
  6. Please DO send the latest version of your artwork. We aren't psychic, we don't know if your art has changed since then.

That's it. Happy art-ing!

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